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Il Teatro di Marcello, un Tempio in musica

The Theatre of Marcellus (Latin: Theatrum Marcelli, Italian: Teatro di Marcello) is an ancient open-air theatre in Rome, Italy, built in the closing years of the Roman Republic. At the theatre, locals and visitors alike were able to watch performances of drama and song. Today its ancient edifice in the rione of Sant’Angelo, Rome, once again provides one of the city’s many popular spectacles or tourist sites.

It was named after Marcus Marcellus, Emperor Augustus’s nephew, who died five years before its completion. Space for the theatre was cleared by Julius Caesar, who was murdered before it could be begun; the theatre was so far advanced by 17 BC that part of the celebration of the ludi saeculares took place within the theatre; it was completed in 13 BC and formally inaugurated in 12 BC by Augustus.

The theatre was 111 m in diameter and was the largest and most important theatre in Ancient Rome; it could originally hold between 11,000 and 20,000 spectators. It was an impressive example of what was to become one of the most pervasive urban architectural forms of the Roman world. The theatre was built mainly of tuff, and concrete faced with stones in the pattern known as opus reticulatum, completely sheathed in white travertine. The network of arches, corridors, tunnels and ramps that gave access to the interiors of such Roman theaters were normally ornamented with a screen of engaged columns in Greek orders: Doric at the base, Ionic in the middle. It is believed that Corinthian columns were used for the upper level but this is uncertain as the theater was reconstructed in the Middle Ages, removing the top tier of seating and the columns.

Like other Roman theaters in suitable locations, it had openings through which the natural setting could be seen, in this case the Tiber Island to the southwest. The permanent setting, the scaena, also rose to the top of the cavea as in other Roman theaters.

Veduta del Teatro di Marcello

Veduta del Teatro di Marcello

Sembra una copia in piccolo del Colosseo che a differenza del Teatro di Marcello fu costruito, però, ben 83 anni dopo. A guardarlo bene non si può non vedere le differenze, quella più evidente è senza dubbio la struttura, il Teatro Marcello ha una struttura semicircolare mentre quella del Colosseo è tonda (anfiteatro).

Teatro di Marcello, veduta d'assieme

Teatro di Marcello, veduta d’assieme

Il Teatro Marcello è forse il più antico teatro giunto fino a noi. La sua costruzione fu iniziata da Cesare ma terminata da Augusto nell’11a.C. dedicandolo al suo defunto nipote Marcello.

Mappa della Roma Antica con indicato in rosso il Teatro di Marcello

Mappa della Roma Antica con indicato in rosso il Teatro di Marcello

In estate si anima con la manifestazione musicale “I concerti del tempietto” all’interno della quale vengono presentati al pubblico italiano e straniero migliaia di artisti di massimo livello provenienti da Accademie, Scuole Superiori di Musica e Istituti di Cultura.

I Concerti del Tempietto

I Concerti del Tempietto

Il programma di quest’anno (si va avanti fino al 5 ottobre 2014) è disponibile sul sito dei nostri amici del portale